外贸培训刘希洪介绍c&f/cif格式合同中关于装运展期及展期折价的规定:以gafta no.100为例 -九游会国际

在国际大宗商品贸易中,有关装运展期(extension of shipment)的情况极为常见,原因不一而足。



gafta no.100号合同(contract for shipment of feedingstuffs in bulk,cif/ciffo/c&f/c&ffo terms),资格很老,从其前身算起,被几代人使用了150年以上,见证了全球贸易发展变迁的风风雨雨,屡经考验而又历久弥新。一个在业内众所周知且得到普遍适用的标准合同,其意义早已上升为全球性的行业惯例,并具备相应的指导价值。

100号合同目前适用的是于2022年1月1日生效的版本,其第10条(extension of shipment)就是装运展期条款,具体内容如下:

the contract period for shipment, if such be 31 days or less, shall be extended by an additional period of not more than 8 days, provided that sellers serve notice claiming extension not later than the next business day following the last day of the originally stipulated period. the notice need not state the number of additional days claimed.


sellers shall make an allowance to buyers, to be deducted in the invoice from the contract price, based on the number of days by which the originally stipulated period is exceeded, in accordance with the following scale: -


1 to 4 additional days, 0.50%;

5 or 6 additional days, 1%;

7 or 8 additional days 1.50% of the gross contract price.


if, however, after having served notice to buyers as above, sellers fail to make shipment within such 8 days, then the contract shall be deemed to have called for shipment during the originally stipulated period plus 8 days, at contract price less 1.50%, and any settlement for default shall be calculated on that basis. if any allowance becomes due under this clause, the contract price shall be deemed to be the original contract price less the allowance and any other contractual differences shall be settled on the basis of such reduced price.


笔者强调,格式合同中的标准条款并非业务实践中的标准答案,但类似gafta 100中的标准条款,通常可作为买卖双方谈判的一个有用的框架和起点。

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